Software Engineering

Summer 2022


Name Supervised by
Implementation of a DNS Server Communication Networks Chair
The Construction of a SASL Compiler Datenbanksysteme
Image Augmentation Autonomous Vision
Build your own Eye Tracker Human Computer Interaction
Scoring Algorithm for Existing Video Caption Model Computer Graphics
Robo arena Biomedizinische Informatik
How differently are perception and action processed? (Psychologieprojekt) Experimental Cognitive Science
Coding Da Vinci Hackathon Informationsdienste
A Multi-Armed Bandit Framework for Movie Recommendation Decision Making
Model Change, Arousal, and Pupil (MAP) (Psychologieprojekt) Experimental Cognitive Science
Entwicklung eines Serious Game zur Vorhersage von Sekundärstrukturen von RNA-Sequenzen Integrative Transkriptomik, Visuelle Big Data Analytik in den Lebenswissenschaften
Rendering with Blender Continuous Learning on Multimodal Datastreams
Ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale als Fenster zu kognitiven Prozessen (Psychologieprojekt) Evolutionäre Kognition
Raumzeitliche Wetterdatenvisualisierung Kognitive Modellierung
Identification and annotation of pathogenic genomic mutations detected by clinical Next Generation Sequencing Klinische Genomdatenanalyse
Toy-Prozessor 2.0 Eingebettete Systeme
A Web-Platform for Turn-Based Games Cognitive Systems
Hide and seek human tracking Cognitive Systems
Development of simulation for training of a reinforcement learning agent Human-Computer Interaction
Robust neural network playground Maschinelles Lernen
Bisociation Net Algorithmik
Implementierung von miniHaskell Programmiersprachen
Medical Data Privacy Tool Methoden der Medizininformatik