Mgr. Jiří Beneš


Photo of Jiří Beneš

Jiří Beneš
Software Engineering
FB Informatik
Universität Tübingen
Sand 13
72076 Tübingen

Office hours
by appointment

Finished Thesis Topics

Lena Käufel (BSc)

Property Testing in Effekt

Testing is one of the most important methods for ensuring software quality. However, traditional example-based testing methods have inherent limitations: they are restricted to evaluating individual scenarios, yet they are often used to justify broader claims than these scenarios can support.

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Jonas Kräher (BSc)

Software Transactional Memory in Effekt

Concurrent programs are widely used in practice, but notoriously difficult to get right, particularly when dealing with the locking and synchronization of shared memory between threads. However, ensuring correctness becomes even more challenging when individual components, which may function correctly in isolation, interact with each other. Software Transactional Memory offers a solution by abstracting over the low-level details of concurrent programming, providing atomic blocks that enable modular composibility of transactions.

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