Software Engineering

Resources for Writing

On this page, we col­lect a few re­sources that can help you to write your the­sis or term paper and pre­sent it.

Re­sources on Read­ing Pa­pers

Re­search often starts with read­ing the most im­por­tant lit­er­a­ture and get an overview over the field. We rec­om­mend the fol­low­ing re­sources.

Re­sources on Writ­ing

  • Simon Pey­ton Jones “How to write a great re­search paper” (web, video)
  • Derek Dreyer “How to Write Pa­pers So Peo­ple Can Read Them” (video)
  • Highly rec­om­mended book: “Style: To­ward Clar­ity and Grace” by Joseph M. Williams (slides by Kathryn McKin­ley)
  • Paolo Gi­a­r­russo’s pre­sen­ta­tion on writ­ing (PDF)
  • How to write an in­tro­duc­tion (short guide)

Re­sources on Giv­ing Talks

  • Simon Pey­ton Jones “How to give a great re­search talk” (paper, video)
  • Derek Dreyer “How to Give Talks That Peo­ple Can Fol­low” (video)