Software Engineering

Research Internship

Every term, the chair of Software Engineering offers a research internship (Forschungsprojekt INFO-4990) to interested master students.

Over the course of a semester, you will be working closely with our research group. You will be working on your own research project, which will be:

  • closely related to the research of our group,
  • relevant to the research field,
  • and ideally lead to a publication.

Depending on the concrete project, the internship can be accounted towards INFO-THEO or INFO-PRAK. Theoretical projects will potentially involve proving theorems about type systems, while practical projects can involve implementing programming language features in the compiler of our language Effekt. Not all research projects necessarily will have to work on the language, though.

Ideally, the participants are also interested in doing their Masterthesis with the group, after finishing the research project. This is however not required.

What you can expect

  • you will be involved in all aspects of a realistic research project (from inception to paper writing)
  • you will learn how to read and write research papers
  • you will learn how to present scientific results
  • you will (potentially, depending on the project) be working with international scientists from other universities


How to apply

Our capacity for supervising research internships is very limited (at most 2-3 per semester). If you are interested, please send an email to Jonathan Brachthäuser
Head of the SE research group
Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser
with title “Application Research Internship” and include the following information:

  • your name
  • your matrikel number
  • your course of study
  • a current transcript and your BSc certificate (if available)

Please also provide a short textual explanation of

  • why you are interested in the internship,
  • what aspects of our research you are interested in,
  • your background (knowledge, experience, interests, projects, etc.).

Own ideas for a research project are very welcomed, but not mandatory. The ideal candidate has attended one or more of the following lectures:

  • Functional Programming (Grust)
  • Programming Languages 1 (Ostermann)
  • Programming Languages 2 (Ostermann)
  • Programming Language Implementation (Schuster)
  • Interactive Theorem Proving (Ostermann)
  • Compiler Construction (Plümicke)

Deadline for application is August 31 for the winter term and Febuary 28 for the summer term.

Further information

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