Introduction to System C

System C supports basic datatypes, such as numbers, strings, functions, and booleans.

def hello(): Unit {
    val one = 1;
    val hello = "Hello";
    val check = true;

In addition to these basic datatypes, it also has support for inductive datatypes; for example:

type Color { Red() Green() Blue() }

You can try it out!


As usual, datatypes can also take type parameteres and be recursive:

type Pair[A, B] {
  Pair(fst: A, snd: B)

type List[A] {
  Cons(head: A, tail: List[A])

Datatypes can be destructed using pattern matching:

def doPair() {
  Pair(1, 2) match {
    case Pair(x, y) => println(x + y)
  val z = Pair(Pair(1, 2), 3) match {
    case Pair(Pair(x, y), z) =>
      x + y + z
  // this is shorthand for Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil())))
  val l = [1, 2, 3];
  val z1 = l match {
    case Nil() => 0
    case Cons(x, tl) => x + 1